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3:46 p.m. - 2004-07-28

change, the great constant.

i'm finally moved reasonably well into the new place (which is the old place) and the screaming from the dungeon remains as heartbreaking as ever. they're all in the process of moving and packing though, and i'm endeavoring to spend as little time here awake as possible, so it's all working out. more or less. i just finished some work in the far-too-hot sun, on the far-too-hot deck, ripping down plywood to make an ugly but functional desk, and now here i sit, typing happily away - pachebel's canon in d major playing behind me (i finally figured out how to run my laptop through my amp and get decent sound quality, which wasn't really so hard, i was just too lazy to do it right before) and the mountains looming majestically through the haze in front of me. one of the things i love about this house is the view of the mountains, on those rare days that it's clear enough to see them... which is most of the summer but very little of the winter.

so there. this is basically just a yay-me update about building a desk that works. now if only i had a good chair at the right height (as opposed to the woefully inadequate folding deck chair i'm using right now) i'd be set. on the other hand, i can easily drag my laptop into bed with me from here, should i want to lie in bed at night (or any other time) and... um... surf porn, i guess, because why else would i want my computer in bed with me? moving right along...

i can almost hear my bike calling my name. i better get to her before she starts calling someone else's.



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