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11:00 a.m. - 2003-09-19


so yesterday started in a typically ridiculous way. got up at 6 for work, and was just walking out the door when my boss called to say that the guy who was supposed to pick me up had been in an accident, and perhaps i should take a cab to the studio... or maybe meet him at the scene so we could transfer the contents of the truck to my car and his van. (side note; no one was hurt, just very shaken) it seems someone decided to cut into a gap in traffic, but misjudged the road conditions, spun her tires like mad, slid sideways into his path, and 1ton truck vs. mazda miata = no contest.

so yeah. good morning. things went typically after that. halfway through the day i was transferred to another job, and spent 8 hours in a hotel room with the art director and a bunch of couch people going through product boxes and checking useless inventory lists. no major problems; the producer really liked a one-of-one, not-available-in-north-america camera, so he kept it to use on the locations scout without telling anyone... stuff like that. good fun. and now i'm wasting to day waiting to find out if i'm working today or tonight, or possibly on the weekend, or maybe on monday, or possibly not at all, and in any case, who do i bill for thursday. so. um. anybody want to trade jobs? i've had about enough of this one.

things are going pretty well with jason. i'm still very excited about the surprise i have for him, and hopefully he will be too... we'll see. he was here last night, which was a very nice surprise, but i managed to keep my secret a little bit longer. his birthday is wednesday, so if i can just hold out until sometime around then... go, me.

last night, as i lay in bed thinking about the world and wondering if i'd be working and reviewing the entirely unenjoyable afternoon (except for the bit with the little racing cars) i felt like getting in the car right then and leaving... except... well. where would i go? i still don't know. i decided that what i need to do is just enroll in something. anything at all. if it's challenging enough i'll find it interesting, and if it isn't, i can always switch. so i sat myself down this morning with a cup of tea, warm slippers, and the decision to peruse the trades courses here, at ouc, and anywhere else that i happen onto by mistake, and see what starts when, and what i need to enroll... mostly, i figure, i just need some $$, and that's the least of my worries just now... not that i have tons, but really... sanity is way higher on the priority list just now.



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